We understand your investment philosophy and investment strategy to bring to the table well-curated startups and growth companies to consider investing in.
You get the opportunity and access to invest in promising start-ups through India's number one angel fund; Venture Catalysts; and in Earlyseed Venture's curated, portfolio companies.
services for investors​
for Private Equity
and Documentation
Support to structure
Startup Investments
Enabling Review
meetings with Founders

for Investors
I am new to startup funding, how do I know what is a good startup and what is not?
Angel investing is a high risk high return asset class. We encourage angel investors to have complete information about the strengths and weaknesses of every startup they are considering investing in, the right questions they should be asking and doing their own home work. Having said that, we do our due diligence before taking any startup under our wing for investments.
How do I work around financial risks?
While this is a high risk and high return asset class, the best way to mitigate your risk is to spread the investment in different startups. Decide on the amount you would like to invest in a particular year and create a portfolio of investments in different startups.
What is my role during and after the transaction?
During the transaction, your role would be to read the information statements, get your queries answered (if any), give in details and sign the relevant documents (offer letter, Share Holders Application, Agreement letter, Power of Attorney (if any)) as required. Post the transaction, once the money is paid, you will receive the share certificate for the same. Our team will coordinate with the startup or fund and will get the same organised for you. ​
​How many investments can an individual have active at one point of time?
There is no restriction on the number of investments one can make in private limited companies.
How actively active will the investor be in the company’s board? (Can be accounts from our past investments)
Being on the board of directors of a company solely depends on the amount of your investment and how much time you are willing to give to the company on a regular basis. This can be worked out company to company as there is no general standard.
What does the first month look like after the deal closes? (A little about operations after deal closure)
Normally, a round of investment can go upto 2-5 months. After your investment is made, you can normally expect the share certificate/ unit to be received in 1-3 months time.
Can I sign up as an investor if I do not reside in India?
You can, if you have an NRE or NRO account, you can invest in Indian companies. If you do not have one then you can mail us at info@earlyseedventures.com and we will get back to you.
As an individual investor, do I have to upload documents every time to show I am accredited?
Once you have invested with us, we have your KYC and will send the basic documents to the companies you are interested to invest in. It is only the documents specific to the particular startup like the SSHA and offer letters that you will have to sign and upload again.